Causes, Symptoms, Types & Natural Remedies To Bipolar Disorder

bipolar disorder causes, symptoms and remedies - How To Reduce
Bipolar disorder is a disorder in which you might experience at least one period of mania or hypo mania which means an extremely elevated mood and episodes of depression or low mood. You might have the feeling of excitement, impulsivity and high energy.  Mania is considered to be less effective than hypomania. If you are suffering from mania it can affect your daily life. When you go through depression you might feel sad or lose interest in most of the things you do. You might develop these mood swings rarely or multiple times in a year. You can manage your bipolar disorder by taking treatment. Everything you need to know about bipolar disorder is firstly know what causes bipolar disorder.

Causes Of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is caused due to the following.

1. Childhood trauma

According to experts if you have faced a lot of emotional distress when you were a child leads to bipolar disorder. Childhood trauma and emotional distress have a great effect to manage your emotions. Traumas like when you have been neglected whether in the family or among friends, sexually or physically abused and emotionally abused, traumatic events and losing someone close like parents can lead to bipolar disorder.

2. Stressful life events

When you are stressed it can lead to mood swings and you might face the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Things that cause stress include relationship breakdown, financial problems, loss of a loved one, being teased by someone or bullied, feeling lonely, changes or uncertainty and getting a lot of pressure when you are working or studying.

3. Brain Chemistry

There is evidence which proves that if you are suffering from a bipolar disorder you can get it treated with certain psychotic medications that act on neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are the messenger chemicals in your brain. Bipolar disorder relates to the functional problem of neurotransmitters Some of the research supports this but none of them knows how these neurotransmitters work.
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4. Family link

If you have experienced bipolar disorder, then any member who belongs to your family is more likely to develop this disorder. They might have a formal diagnosis. Family links are said to be more complex. According to researchers, bipolar disorder can be caused by social situations that influence us. A family member can be an influential part as you grow up.

5. Medication, drugs and alcohol

When you are taking medications for mania or hypo mania it can cause side effects. This happens when you are taking medication or when you stop these medications. Medications are given for physical conditions and psychiatric condition which includes some antidepressants. Due to depression as medications are given and it can lead to side effects. Therefore it is important to check with your doctor before taking medications.
Alcohol or recreational drugs
When you use these you might experience symptoms of mania or hypomania. Some studies suggest that recreational drugs can lead to bipolar disorder. It would be better to consult your doctor if you are using it.

Bipolar disorder symptoms in Women and men

The symptoms of bipolar disorder vary from one individual to another. For some people, the disorder may last for several months or years and for some they may experience the same high or low and get recovered very fast.
People who suffer from bipolar disorders face mania which means extreme highs to extreme lows which means depression.
1. Get mood swings, anger tension, elevated moods, apathy, apprehension and loss of interest in daily activities.
2. They might be irritated by small things, cry, continuously, have a desire for sex, and hyperactivity and restlessness are seen.
3. They might get unwanted thoughts, unable to concentrate,  false beliefs of superiority.
4. They might also harm themselves, and feel depressed.
5. Gain weight and difficulty in falling asleep.
7. They might get fatigued and talk about irrelevant things continuously.

Natural remedies for bipolar

Some of the ways to get rid of bipolar disorder are

1. Sleep

Sleeplessness can lead to bipolar disorder.  When you are faced with mania an individual might get very little sleep but during a low phase, they might get sleep for a long time. It is necessary to get good sleep as it manages our minds too. Getting a good sleep avoids getting this disorder. To get good sleep make sure that you sleep at the same time daily, whether your feel comfortable in the matrix, avoid using gadgets and don’t have heavy meals before going to sleep.

2. Diet

Following a healthy lifestyle is very important for a person who is suffering from bipolar disorder. According to a 2011study 68 per cent of people with bipolar disorder were overweight or obese people and also suffered from diabetes, low bone density and cardiac problems. In 2013 another study showed that being overweight added to the side effects of depression. To maintain your diet eat in small quantities and have 5 times instead of 3. Have fresh fruits and vegetables and plan a meal for the week.

3. Exercise

Exercising regularly helps in balancing the mood and prevents obesity and other cardiovascular diseases. There is evidence more that shows that doing physical exercises balances the mood and avoids bipolar disorder.

4. Herbs and supplements

Some people use herbs and supplements to get relief from their symptoms. The extract of fish oil omega 3 helps to get rid of bipolar disorder according to scientists. Therefore the places where people consume fish are less likely to develop bipolar disorder.

5. Vitamins and nutrients in the diet

You can take vitamin c and folic acid as it helps in avoiding bipolar disorder. Green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin c and folic acid. Having fresh food avoids getting health-related problems.

Types of bipolar disorder

There are three types of bipolar disorder and they are

1. Bipolar1

The appearance of at least one manic episode is defined as bipolar 1. There might be an experience hypomanic episodes which are less severe than manic episodes. This type of bipolar disorder affects men and women equally.

2. Bipolar 2

People with bipolar 2 experience one and major depressive episodes that may last 2 weeks. They also get one hypomanic episode that lasts for four days. This type of disorder is more common in women according to a 2017 review.

3. Cyclothymia

People with cyclothymia suffer from episodes of hypomania and depression. Most people with this condition experience no mood symptoms for 1or 2 months at a time.

Facts about bipolar disorder

Some of the faces of bipolar disorder are

1. You can feel mania and depression at the same time

The symptoms of bipolar disorder can be high and low usually. When it is at a higher level you might feel energetic and you might feel anxious and not even ready to sit. After a few weeks, you might feel sick and exhausted.

2. Your family, life events, and health can increase your risk

Bipolar disorder can be faced by anyone. It can happen due to stressful situations or a big change in life. Eg: The loss of a loved one. People with bipolar disorder are more likely to face obesity or heart disease.

3. Bipolar disorder can affect children

Bipolar disorder can be mostly seen in adolescence but it can strike at any age. Children with bipolar disorder can be violent for some time and then be happy for some time. Teenagers may take options that can be very dangerous. They might lose interest in studies or activities they like.

4. Symptoms can worsen during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women are more likely to face mania or depression. This might also lead to high risk even after childbirth. As the hormonal level changes, stress and sleeplessness during pregnancy change leading to bipolar disorder.

5. Both manic and depression can put in danger

When you are facing depression it might affect you badly and you might decide to harm yourself.  It is important to seek immediate help when you get these thoughts.

6. Unable to manage

A person who suffers from bipolar may face an inability to maintain relationships, manage finances etc.  They might also face health problems like headaches, obesity, thyroid etc

7. Treatments help people have productive lives

If anyone is suffering from bipolar disorder make sure that you take them to a counsellor.  Medications can also help those who are suffering from bipolar disorder. Talk therapies and antidepressants act as a treatment for bipolar disorder.

Kanye West bipolar disorder

Kanye West is an American songwriter, rapper, producer and fashion designer. He is one of the greatest musicians of this generation. Some of his famous songs are famous, flashing lights, runaway, Etc.
Kanye West is one among the headlines today who has been affected by bipolar disorder. There was an outburst of emotional and chaotic thoughts seen when he was campaigning to be elected as the president of the United States and also the way he reacted to his tweets.

Books about bipolar disorder

Some of the books which are helpful for bipolar disorder are

1. An unquiet Mind

This book is written by Kay Redfield Jamison. The book is about how a 30-year-old lady that is the author herself struggled with bipolar disorder.

2. Wishful drinking

This book is written by Carrie Fisher. This book gives the details of how the actress Carrie Fisher was troubled in her relationships and went through alcohol and drug including bipolar disorder.

3. Madness:  A Bipolar life

This book is written by Marya Hornbacher. This book is about how she suffered from bipolar disorder when she was a toddler. She mostly spent her teenage and youth struggling with drug abuse, alcohol and promiscuity.

4. Touched with fire

This book is written by Kay Redfield. This book is all about how artistic temperament acts as a fact of bipolar disorder.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Early signs of bipolar disorder seen in young adults

Some of the early signs of bipolar disorder seen in young adults are
The symptoms of bipolar disorder vary from one individual to another. For some people, the disorder may last for several months or years and for some they may experience the same high or low and get recovered very fast.
People who suffer from bipolar disorders face mania which means extreme highs to extreme lows which are depression.
1. Get mood swings, anger tension, elevated moods, apathy, apprehension and loss of interest in daily activities.
2. They might be irritated by small things, cry continuously, desire for sex,  hyperactivity and restlessness are seen.
3. They might get unwanted thoughts, unable to concentrate,  false beliefs of superiority.
4. They might also harm themselves, and feel depressed.
5. Gain weight and difficulty in falling asleep.
7. They might get fatigued and talk about irrelevant things continuously.

2. Bipolar 1 vs Bipolar 2

People who suffer from bipolar 1 will have at least one manic episode in their lifetime while people with bipolar 2 won’t suffer from any manic episodes. During a manic episode, people with bipolar 1 tend to have severe symptoms which may affect their daily life.
Manic means a mental health condition with extreme mood swings.

3. Binge eating disorder

Binge eating disorder is a type of disorder in which a person eats continuously in large amounts and feels unable to stop. Sometimes when some people are extremely depressed too go through this disorder.

4. Facts about bipolar disorder

You can feel mania and depression at the same time, and your family, life events, and health can increase your risk, bipolar disorder can affect children, symptoms can worsen during pregnancy and both manic and depression can put you in danger, and unable to manage and treatments help people live productive lives.