How to Reduce Lower Back Pain: Home Remedies

how to reduce lower back pain

Lower back pain is the pain which starts between the lowest ribs and buttocks crease and this pain might last for a few days or weeks. But the back pain is different. You can feel dull, painfully more like a cramp. Lower back pain can be caused due to doing too many workouts, lifting heavy weights, sitting for a longer period, sleeping in an uncomfortable position and wearing a poorly fitting backpack. Some of the ways to know how to reduce lower back pain are sleep better, good posture, medication from the store, prescription pain relievers, physical therapy, antidepressant medications, talk therapy, don’t rest an achy back, nerve stimulation, biofeedback and specialized injections.

Exercises to reduce lower back pain - How to reduce

Stretches for lower back pain relief

Instant lower back pain relief

How to relieve lower back pain while sleeping

Natural remedies for back pain and inflammation

Natural remedies for back pain and inflammation

Some natural remedies to relieve back pain are

  • Apply turmeric paste.
  • Devil’s claw root
  • Eat capsicum
  • Apply warm honey

The above-given remedies can Naturally Relieve Back Pain at Home.

How to relieve back pain during pregnancy?

  • Practice good posture as it will be beneficial for both you and baby.
  • Wear low heeled and not flat shoes
  • Lift things properly
  • Include physical activity in your routine.

The above-mentioned points are the answer to How to Relieve Back Pain in Pregnancy*

Also Read: Home Remedies For Knee Pain

How to relieve back pain during pregnancy while sleeping?

How to relieve back pain during pregnancy while sleeping?

  • Use a prop for sleeping comfortably.
  • Use a good mattress
  • Sleep on time

How to get rid of lower back pain?

To get rid of lower back pain follow these methods.

1. Sleep better

If you are suffering from back pain it is difficult to sleep and when you don’t get the sleep you can feel the pain more. Sleeping in the wrong position leads to lower back pain. Try sleeping in one position. Keep a pillow in between your knees so that your knees are placed in a neutral position and it relieves strain on your back. If you want to sleep on your back keep a pillow in between your knees. Make sure that you have a mattress in which you feel comfortable.

2. Good Posture

When you are sitting on a chair with a table in front of you sit in a position where you keep your shoulders and back relaxed, pull your abdomen in, keep your feet about hip distance apart and balance your weight on your feet.

3. Medication from the store

They are specific medications available in the stores for lower back pain. Make sure you consult your doctor before consuming these medications. Taking medications helps in relieving lower back pain. But medications alone don’t relieve pain.

4. Prescription pain relievers

Some people might need prescription-based NSAIDs or opioid medications to get relief from back pain. But consult your doctor before consuming these medications to avoid overdosing on certain ingredients. Your doctor might prescribe muscle relaxants which help in easing painful muscle spasms.

5. Antidepressant medications

Antidepressants help in relieving chronic pain as these antidepressants influence chemical messengers which affected pain signals in the body. Even though you are not suffering from depression antidepressant medications can be prescribed by your doctors.

6. Physical therapy

Physical therapy includes exercises that strengthen the lower back muscles, spinal tissues and joints. Doing physical exercises helps to decrease painful symptoms in the lower back or leg, and improves lower back function which helps you to do your daily routine easily. It also increases flexibility and prevents any back problems.

7. Don’t rest an achy back

Doctors usually tell us to take rest when we suffer from back pain. Lying in bed for one day or two can worsen the pain more. Try to come out of bed and start walking slowly. Exercises like walking, swimming and yoga can help relieve lower back pain.

8. Ice and Heat

Take an ice pack and roll it in a cloth and keep it on the back where you get pain. Do this several times a day and keep this ice pack on for at least 20 minutes on your back. You will get relief. After a few days you can switch off this method to hot water, and you can keep hot water bags in the places you get pain in your back. Doing this helps in the relaxation of the muscles.

9. Hands-on therapy

Messaging with your hands and using oils helps in relieving lower back pain. You can also use balms on the areas where you get pain. In a study, it was found that messaging for ten weeks helped in reducing pain for six months. You can get a massage done by a spine therapist too.

10. Nerve stimulation

Your doctor may suggest you take acupuncture for your treatment if your lower back pain is not reducing. Your doctor might also suggest you take transcutaneous nerve stimulation in which mild electric pulses are delivered to the nerves to block the incoming signals of pain.

11. Talk therapy

You might feel strange talking to a psychologist about your back pain. You can also talk to a physical therapist or orthopaedic physician or someone who is specialized in the non-surgical treatment of back pain. They help you in analysing the condition and help to alleviate your pain.

12. Biofeedback

In biofeedback, a machine is used that helps in training your brain to respond to pain. You will learn to moderate breathing, blood flow, heart rate and muscle tension. According to some studies using biofeedback helped in reducing the intensity of the pain by at least 30 per cent. It has no side effects too.

13. Spinal injections

Your doctor may suggest you take injections to get relief from lower back pain. There are different types of injections to relieve pain. Depending on the injections your doctor might reduce the doses per year to avoid side effects.

14. Back surgery

Back surgery eases back pain but it is necessary. Back pain can get reduced within 2 to 3 months. You may need back surgery unless and until the bone spurs the spine which is mostly caused by arthritis.

Foods help in reducing lower back pain:

You can treat your lower back pain by eating specific foods for bone strength and doing some exercises.

Foods which contain calcium like dairy products, milk, yoghurt, and ice cream. Foods like oranges, oatmeal and broccoli can be taken as they are rich in calcium.

Foods high in phosphorous like cheese, milk, black beans, cereals, oyster and sardines can be taken.

Foods that are rich in vitamin D like swordfish, salmon eggs and cereals can be taken.

Some of the exercises to reduce lower back pain

1. Knee to chest

Doing this exercise strengthens the lower back and relieves tension and pain. Firstly lie on your back on the floor, your knees bent slightly and your feet flat on the floor. Next, using both of your hands bring your right leg to your stomach, keep both of your hands and lock it with your fingers into your feet. When you do this with one leg keep the other leg flat on the floor. When you pull your legs to the chest hold it for at least 30-60 seconds. Do the same with your other leg but make sure that your legs, lower back and hips are in a relaxed position. Do this exercise three times for each leg.

2. Trunk Rotation

This exercise relieves pain and tension in your lower back and it also works with your core muscles, abdominals, back muscles and the muscles around the pelvis.

Lie flat on the floor with both your legs bent up slightly. Keep your hands on your stomach or below your head. Next, rotate your legs to the right side and next to the left. Do this many times. Try to do this at least 15-20 times.

3. Cat cow stretch

This exercise increases mobility and eases the tension in of lower back muscles and core muscles.

Keep your hands and knees on the floor, similar to how cats and cows resemble. Your knees should be wide apart. Next arch your back by pulling up your belly button up toward your spine, and let your head forward. This is the cat position. Now return to the starting position. Next raise your head letting your pelvis fall forward, curving the back toward the floor. This is the cow position. Hold this position for at least 5-10 seconds. Do this exercise 15-20 times.

4. Pelvic Tilt

This exercise helps in tightening back the muscles and maintains flexibility.

Lie flat on the floor and engage your deep core muscles by driving your belly button inwards towards your spine slightly while flattering the spine against the floor. Then relax. While you are holding your belly button hold it for at least 5- 10 seconds. Do this 25-30 times.

5. Flexion rotation

It helps in stretching the lower back and buttocks.

Firstly lie on your right side with both legs straight. Then bend your left leg hooking your foot behind your knee. Grasp your left knee with your right arm, placing your left on your neck. Now slowly rotate your upper body by touching the left shoulder blade on the floor. Feel the stretch on your back. Hold the stretch for at least 1-3 seconds. Do this as much as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I make my lower back pain go away?

You can do some exercises and keep a cold compress for the pain to go away. You can also keep hot water bags in the areas where you get pain. It might take some time for the pain to go.

2. What are the causes of lower back pain?

The lower back can be caused due to overdoing workouts, sitting in a place, picking up overweight things, injuries, and arthritis. The lower back can be caused after delivery too.

3. Is walking good for lower back pain?

Yes, walking is good as it makes your muscles strong and flexible. Start with short sessions and then increase the time for walking. It relieves stress too.

4. What are the three exercises that help lower back?

Exercises like knee to chest, back rotation, and cat cow strength relieves lower back pain. You have done this at least 15-20 times. It will take some time to go.